Yardie Homestead to Robe River

Day 119 - Yardie Homestead to Robe River

Yardie Homestead, Exmouth, Nanutarra, Robe River Rest Area

Friday, 17 May 2013
Woke up early at had a cuppa and then breakfast. Took Tuka for walk and then packed up. The little girl and her mother from next door came over to say goodbye to Tuka.

Drove to Exmouth, bought bread, checked emails and tried phoning. Then drove 400km to the Robb River rest area. On the way we stopped at Nanuturra to buy fuel at $1.91/litre. The scenery varied from flat grasslands with a few cows to hills and ranges that were treeless but coloured purple in the afternoon sun. One of the hills, Mt. Murray looked like a small Ayres Rock. Plenty of crows and raptors feeding on the road kill - both cows and kangaroos.

At Robb River there were lots of caravans and campervans. nice spot with water views. I met Rob and Lin. Had a couple of beers and some wine at their caravan as we discussed travelling, children etc.

Mt Murray
The North West Coastal Highway

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