Herron Point

Day 63 - Herron Point

Herron Point

Friday, 22 March 2013
Took Tuka for a walk and then decided to go kayaking as there was no wind and water was smooth. Graham and Neil had already gone crabbing in their waders instead of with their kayaks.

Went kayaking to the north. Pelicans flew past me with one side of the V going on my left and the other on my right. I could hear the beating wings. Then more past me on my right hand side. Altogether about 100 pelicans flew past me.

Came back to camp and met some new arrivals in a caravan, Graham and Pauline. Talked to them and then took Tuka for a walk.

Then went kayaking again. Went down south past the sandspit with dozens of pelicans on it and then onto a little island. Stopped and walked around. Saw an osprey on a dead tree and a pied cormorant.

Back at camp took Tuka for a walk and then I talked to Graham and Pauline and then Graham and Neil. Tuka managed to get pats and food during the talks.

Low flying pelicans

Pelicans on the sandspit

Kayaking towards the island

Pied cormorant on the island

Kayak on the island

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